Potassium & Gout

Potassium Rich Foods: Foods High in Potassium Are Vital

Potassium & Gout

Potassium is a vital mineral and electrolyte that your body needs to maintain normal blood pressure, transport nutrients into your cells, and support healthy nerve and muscle function.

Healthy Potassium Intact

You must get potassium from foods to meet your recommended daily needs, also known as the Daily Value. Most people don’t get enough potassium through their diets. Since a medium banana contains around 9% of the DV for this mineral, most people consider it the go-to food to increase their potassium intake. Bananas are not the only good source of potassium.

Here are 18 foods that pack more potassium than a banana.

What’s more, avocados may benefit people with high blood pressure, who often need to increase their potassium and reduce their sodium intake.


Avocados are packed with nutrients, and one avocado provides roughly 15% of your daily potassium needs. They’re an exceptionally nutritious way to support your potassium intake.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes boast 16% of the DV for potassium in just 1 mashed cup, plus some protein, fiber, and vitamin A.3.


Foods Rich In Potassium
Foods Rich in Potassium
Potassium and Gout Health


Just 1 cup of frozen spinach packs 12% of the DV for potassium. Spinach provides about 12% of the DV for potassium per 1 cup frozen or 3 cups fresh.


Watermelon – Just 2 wedges provides just under 14% of the DV for potassium. Watermelon is a tasty summertime fruit that provides about 14% of the DV for potassium in just 2 wedges.


Coconut/Coconut Water – Just 1 cup of coconut water contains 13% of the DV for potassium.

White Beans

White Beans – Just 1 cup of white beans has twice as much potassium as a banana, clocking in at a whopping 21% of the DV. The same serving of black beans provides 13% of the DV. While black beans contain phytates – an antinutrient that may reduce your body’s mineral absorption – you can soak dried beans overnight to help reduce their phytate content, as this compound will leach into the water.

Natural Potassium Is The Best Way To Get Your Potassium

Aside from beans, the legume family includes lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, and peanuts – all of which are high in potassium.


Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, and peanuts are rich in potassium.

Tomatoes/Tomato Paste

Tomato paste not only enriches the taste of your food but also provides ample amounts of potassium.

Baked Potato

Boiled Potatoes – One medium boiled potato offers 12% of the DV for potassium.


There are many varieties of potatoes, and their potassium content may depend on the soil in which they’re grown.

Potatoes are rich in potassium and are a staple in many households.

Dried apricots are a great alternative to bananas for a potassium boost.

Swiss Chard contains more than twice as much potassium per cooked cup as a banana – about 20% of the DV. Just 1 cup of boiled beets gives you 11% of the DV for potassium.Just 1 cup of cooked chard offers 20% of the DV for potassium – more than double the potassium in a banana.

Beets provide 11% of the DV for potassium per boiled cup. One whole fruit gives you 14% of the DV for potassium.

Pomegranates offer 14% of the DV for potassium, as well as sizable amounts of folate, fiber, protein, and vitamins C and K. Drinking fruit and vegetable juices is another easy way to increase your potassium intake.

Yams – A 1-cup serving of cooked yam provides more than twice as much potassium as a medium banana.

These substitutes replace sodium with another element or mix of elements – typically potassium – to reduce heart disease without reducing perceived salt intake or diminishing the taste.

Organifi Green Juice

Unlike regular salt, which is 100% sodium chloride, salt substitutes may be composed of 65% sodium chloride, 25% potassium chloride, and 10% magnesium sulfate.

Others may offer 100% potassium chloride, which packs 11% of the DV in just 1 gram.

Keep in mind that people with kidney or liver disease may need to avoid salt substitutes that are high in potassium.

Salt substitutes consisting of 100% potassium chloride provide 11% of the DV for the mineral in a single gram.

The DV for potassium for healthy individuals is 4,700 mg.

Although Western diets are often low in potassium and high in sodium – two factors that can increase your risk of heart disease – eating foods from the list above may help you easily increase your potassium intake.
Hello Fresh

The DV for potassium for healthy individuals is 4,700 mg, which you can reach by following a balanced diet.

Although bananas are a good source of potassium, many other nutritious foods, including sweet potatoes, legumes, and beets, offer more potassium per serving.

Swiss hard, yams, and white beans even have twice as much potassium per cup as a medium banana.

The key to getting enough potassium is to eat a range of plant foods each day.

All Natural Foods for Gout

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Frequently Asked Questions

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What do I Eat When uric acid is high?

Water is essential for good health, so drink plenty of it every day. You should also eat a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains to get the complex carbohydrates your body needs. And limit consumption of sugary drinks and foods with high-fructose corn syrup.

Should I avoid all rich foods?

It's a common misconception that gout is caused by consuming rich foods. In fact, eating desserts and other fatty foods in moderation will not trigger a gout flare-up. However, overeating these items can lead to weight gain, and obesity is a major risk factor for gout attacks.

Is high fructose corn syrup a problem?

There is no doubt that high-fructose corn syrup can trigger gout flare-ups, as it increases uric acid levels in the body. However, many people are unaware that this ingredient is commonly used in pre-packaged and processed foods. The next time you go grocery shopping, be sure to check the nutrition labels on products. If high-fructose corn syrup is listed as an ingredient, put the item back on the shelf.

Do acidic foods lead to high uric acid?

Different types of foods can affect the levels of uric acid in our bodies. Some people believe that acidic foods, such as tomatoes, citrus fruits and beans, will cause an increase in uric acid levels. However, this is not always the case. dairy products can also play a role in uric acid production..

Do I need to stop eating meat if I have gout?

No. Organ meats, such as liver, are best avoided because they have high levels of purines, which can lead to flare-ups. Eating lean meats, like chicken and turkey, should not affect your condition. Seafoods like shrimp and lobster often have lots of purines, so it's best not to eat them too often.

Do I need to stop drinking alcohol with gout?

There are many benefits to cutting out alcohol, especially if you suffer from gout. Alcohol molecules increase uric acid levels in your body, so drinking can trigger a flare-up. If you're newly diagnosed, it's a good idea to abstain from alcohol while you get your medication sorted out. Once your uric acid levels have stabilized, your doctor may give you the OK to have the occasional drink.